Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mute Rules (in relationship)

There is nothing more wonderful than being in a relationship. yes, I definitely mean romantic relationships. Especially, when you have found that one person , an accomplice to share your craziness. Its a full package which can sometimes replace parents, friends, mentors etc.  If things are in moderation, there is heaven in earth. When the dependence becomes dangerously extreme, that's when things go wrong. 
No person, who has been in a long relation can every deny the fact that the nature of this relationship morphs with time.  A wonderful, rule-less relationship becomes filled with Mute Rule. Mute rules I say, because, we are unaware about these dumb ones. We think they don't exist. Although, they may amuse us first, slowly they become so loud that we are left mute. And you are so addicted to the person, so used to the person, that you feel futile without them. 
How do these rules sneak into  relationship? They don't. They were there all along. We were too naive to believe they existed. They make loved ones feel distant. They are very dangerous. Stay clear.
How to escape these. Well, introspect as to if either parties have such rules. Beliefs. Communicate to the other person, so that these don't tear you apart later. 
The person who has gone through this, going through this would understand.  This may be gibberish to the rest.